Reviewer: Allan J.
Manufacturer: Rayvol
Price: $29.99

Purchase Rayvol's Nintendo Switch Deluxe Carrying Case from Amazon here.
The Rayvol Deluxe Carrying Case for Nintendo Switch offers a sleek and functional solution to bringing your entire Switch setup along with you on the go. There are certainly plenty of options out there that offer the same, and many of these options also get the job done, but there are a few key differences between these other options and the Rayvol case.
What Fits in the Case?
The Rayvol Deluxe Carrying Case is an all-in-one case designed to hold everything that comes with your Nintendo Switch console right out of the box: The Switch console with attached Joy-Cons, the Switch dock, the Power cord, the HDMI cable, the Joy-Con slides, the Joy-Con dual grip, and there is even a spot to hold a Pro Controller. Each component has a corresponding form-fitting cutout within a solid foam block that sits in the case, with exception to the HDMI cable, which fits nicely within the mesh zippered pocket built in to the top of the case. In addition to these storage features, there is also a built-in game storage flap that holds up to 28 loose Switch cartridges. This flap also provides a nice buffer between the console components and the mesh pocket.

What About Construction?
This case is very solidly built. The case features a hard EVA shell, covered with a high-quality nylon material. Many of the similar cases that I have seen seem to focus on being as compact as possible, and while that is a nice feature, often times the size reduction results in the case feeling like it is pressing the contents of the storage pocket into the console components, which essentially defeats the purpose of trying to protect your console in the first place. You can put all the padding in the world on the outside of the case, but if the contents within are scratching and breaking each other, you may as well just throw everything in a grocery bag and carry it that way.
The Rayvol case, however, does not have this issue. It has been manufactured to be as small as possible for its intended purpose, but without sacrificing proper space requirements. The depth of the case is enough so that when you have all components in their slots, and you also have items in the mesh pocket, the case still closes comfortably without any compression or squishing of the contents. All materials used are of very high quality and durability, and the construction itself is very well-crafted. All of the seams are clean and straight, and they even added rubber grips on the zippers that look like little Joy-Cons, which was a nice touch.

Pros and Cons – Should You Buy This?
The pros for this case far outweigh the cons. In fact, I am hard-pressed to find many cons at all for this case.
The case itself is a bit large to carry around with you every day, but as discussed above, it is just large enough to ensure that everything fits comfortably and safely within the case, so I will take that over a broken console any day!
In addition, the case comes with a shoulder strap that can be attached to the built-in clips on the outside of the case, making for an easy over-the-shoulder accessory. Personally, I prefer the rubberized handle at the top for carrying purposes, as I will usually not be walking long distances with this case anyway, but it is still nice to have options.

The only other con I can think of—and it really isn’t a big deal at all—is that there is a bit of a “factory smell” to the case when you first take it out of the packaging. Had I not seen others mention this in the product reviews on Amazon, I may not have noticed it at all, as it was a very mild smell that completely cleared within a couple of hours of airing out.
The pros of this case, however, are a much longer list. As stated above, this case is well-crafted, very sturdy and durable, the components all fit very snugly and securely within the case without becoming stuck inside, and frankly, it is just an overall sharp and good-looking product. It does exactly what I need it to do, and the price point, at $29.99, is well worth it!
That's a Wrap
If you have a need to carry around your Switch and all of the accessories that come with it, or even if you just want a safe way to store everything when not in use, I would absolutely recommend the Rayvol Deluxe Carrying Case for the Nintendo Switch.
Final Score: 10/10
Purchase Rayvol's Nintendo Switch Deluxe Carrying Case from Amazon here.
*Review Case Provided By YanGame
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